Vegan Marriage – Love Story in SoCal

On Veggly, when we hear the stories of people who found a partner or friends, it’s reason to celebrate. Hearing about a Vegan Marriage is just spectacular!

A moment like that happened just about a week ago. I was going through my work emails, as usual, when I came across one titled “Veggly Marriage”. When I open it, I read this heartwarming story of Kendra and Dave! We live and work hard to hear stories like these! Our main goal has always been to bring the veggie community together and to see our wish come true feels amazing.

Veggly Marriage

Kendra and Dave are both from and live in southern California. The isolation of COVID encouraged them to move online in order to meet other like minded people.

They found each other on Veggly in February 2021. Their vegan marriage took place in March 2022, on their one year anniversary of being a couple!

Husband and wife have both been vegan for 15 years, so being in a vegan relationship is important to them and ultimately what brought them to Veggly.

Besides their love for fruit, plants and animals, Dave and Kendra surf, swim, meditate, travel, hike, adventure and love life together.

They couldn’t be happier and more grateful to have found each other.

Veggly couple
Veggly Marriage

In the name of the entire Veggly team, we wish you both a long, happy and kind life together Congratulations to the perfect couple! 😍🌱

If you have your own Veggie-Love Story and if you’re willing to share it at our testimonials page, please contact us at [email protected].

If you prefer, you can remain anonymous. It doesn’t already have to be a “happily ever after” story. As long as you guys are happy, we would like to hear 😘

Don’t miss the Veggly Blog

As Veggly grows further, make sure you stay up to date and read some of our success stories and messages from our users who found love from their VegMatches – all on this page here.

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