10 Best States for Vegan Dating in the US

Virginia has officially been crowned the best state for vegan dating in the US, followed by Illinois, and Oregon

The American Vegan Love Heat Map 2022

Virginia has taken the top spot for vegans and vegetarians to find love, according to Veggly, the world’s leading dating app for vegans and vegetarians. Veggly has announced the top US state rankings with Virginia (incl DC.) at number one spot with 671.05 Veggly users per 1 million people (general population). The second spot is taken by Illinois with 532.55 users per 1 million, and is closely followed by the ‘Beaver State’, Oregon, which has 529.69 users per a million. 

New York, the ‘Empire State’, takes fourth place with 521.32 Veggly users per 1 million and has the second highest total number of users. Washington (state) takes fifth place with 481.63 users, followed by Colorado with 467.19 users per 1 million in sixth place. 

The ‘Golden State’ of California is in seventh place with 466.79 users per 1 million, but also has the largest number of overall users. In eighth place is the ‘Sunshine State’ of Florida with 454.38 users per 1 million. Florida is particularly important state for Veggly, as two couples have already tied the knot! One couple, Nathan and Wil, got married in Florida in 2020 and found love through a tap of a like on Veggly.

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Description automatically generatedA person and person posing for a picture

Description automatically generated with medium confidence (Wil & Nathan)

Ninth place goes to Massachusetts with 412.77 Veggly users but is very closely followed by New Jersey which has 405.85 users per million, in tenth place. 

Texas didn’t make it into the top 10, but did score well overall with a ranking at number 11, with 371.51 users per 1 million. Arizona closely follows with 365.21 users in twelfth place; next up is Georgia in thirteenth place with 340.49 users, and North Carolina has 3125.78 user in fourteenth place, then Maryland in fifteenth place. 

In sixteenth position is the industrial state of Pennsylvania with 282.88 users per 1 million. Following up in seventeenth place is Ohio with 261.39 Veggly users, then with 260.93 users per million is Tennessee in eighteenth place. Michigan is close behind in nineteenth place with 259.07 Veggly users per million. Lastly, Minnesota takes the 20th spot with 253.21 Veggly users per 1 million people. 

Overall, in terms of total numbers of users, California reigns supreme with 18,368 users, followed by Texas in second place with 10,640 users, just narrowly beating out New York with 10,171 users, in third place. Florida is close behind in fourth place, with 9,642 users overall. 

Commenting on the new USA data, Founder of Veggly, Alex Felipelli, said: “We are very pleased to see so many new and growing dating hotspots for vegans and vegetarians across the USA. Today, Virginia is the shining example for the best ratio of active vegan daters in relation to population. If you’re in Virginia, or nearby, and you’re looking for herbivorous love, it’s the place to be!

“But let’s not forget New York and California – both have excellent scores on our rankings, 4th and 7th, considering how big their populations are. They are still great places to date as a vegan or vegetarian – and if you’re in California, you could always just head north to Oregon, ranked 3rd overall. 

“Building on our success in the USA, we have significantly increased our marketing investment throughout the country recently. Our top priority is to help these hotspots grow all over North America and the world by making the Veggly app accessible to everyone.”

Top 20 states in USA (ranked by number of Veggly users in relation to population) 

StatePopulation (millions)Number of Veggly users per 1 million
1Virginia (inc. DC)8.51671.05
4New York19.51521.32
10New Jersey8.89405.85
14North Carolina10.39315.78

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