Arizonian couple meets on Veggly! #Ourvegmatch

Meet Chelsea and Skyler, who found each other on Veggly and fell in love at first match. They told us one of the most beautiful stories we’ve received so far, and we would like to share this inspiring modern love story with you:

“February 3, 2021, aka, a *vegan* match made in Heaven. Almost throwing in the towel on dating apps, I came across an ad on Instagram featuring a dating app for vegans called Veggly. As ironic as it was, I had always remarked about the need for this type of app and how useful it would be for people as passionate about animal rights as I am. 

Days after I downloaded the app, I got a notification that I had a new Veggly match, Skyler! He reached out to me and we immediately clicked, almost as if the two of us had just been waiting for the stars to align. We met just 4 short days after we matched, unknowingly spending our first of many Superbowl Sundays together!

Skyler and I had both expressed how exclusively drawn we were to each other on the app. From his race car driving photos to my many pictures in California, we were both immediately intrigued by one another and were extremely eager to get to know each other further. The connection we had seemed inevitable, as if it was so easy to get along that it would have taken effort for us not to like one another. Our first date quickly led to many more, and before we knew it we started dating just over a month after matching! We have now been dating a little under a year, and have had what feels like a lifetime of memories.

From a week-stay in Malibu, to spending the 4th of July in Oregon, the past year has brought us a bountiful amount of memories that we would not have been able to experience had it not been for Veggly. We can both easily identify that one of the strongest connections in our relationship has been centered around our veganism. Skyler is an incredibly talented cook, making us countless tasty vegan meals that has ultimately allowed us to further connect with each other through our same love for animals and our passion for a plant-based diet. With Skyler being vegan for about 6 years now, and reaching almost 4 years of veganism myself, the two of us are incredibly excited to continue our journey together and see where life takes us along the way. Little did we know the simple act of downloading an app would cause such a positive and beneficial change in both of our lives! Thank you, Veggly, for creating a space for such a special connection to be made!”

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