Why People Go Vegan?

Animal welfare tops the list, environment places second and health is third.

Why people go vegan?
The top reason for people making the switch to a vegan diet is animal welfare.

Veggly, the world’s leading dating app for vegans and vegetarians, has released new research revealing the top five reasons why people have chosen to go vegan.

Why people go vegan?

The survey of 8,500 vegans from across the world shows that the top reason for people making the switch to a vegan diet is animal welfare. Overall, 9 in 10 (89.1%) respondents indicated animal welfare was a key reason for cutting out animal products from their diet.

The second most popular reason was to protect the environment and combat climate change. Nearly two thirds of vegans (64.1%) listed environment as a motivating factor for making the switch to a vegan diet. This figure is likely to grow as the links between animal agriculture and climate change become more widely realised around the world.

The third most popular reason was health. Over half of vegans (53.16%) list health as a motivating factor for cutting out animal products from their lives. As strong evidence demonstrating the health benefits of vegan diets continues to build, this figure is also likely to grow.

Food conservation was the fourth most popular reason (15.9%) and cost/inexpensiveness of vegan diets was fifth most popular (6%).

Commenting on the research findings, Founder of Veggly, Alex Felipelli, said:

“There are many excellent reasons to go vegan, so we have found it fascinating to see which motivations are the most popular. We are very pleased to see animal welfare is number one as veganism ultimately gives a voice to the voiceless. At the same time, we can see both environmental and health reasons are strong factors as well. A vegan diet is clearly the best thing for the planet and your health, so it’s no surprise they are also popular reasons.”

Available throughout the world, Veggly is used in 181 countries. We have recently reached 1 million Veg-Matches.

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So there you have it!

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One Reply to “Why People Go Vegan?”

  1. Vegan by definition has to be about the animals, anything else is just following a plant based diet..

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