United Kingdom Tops Rankings For Vegan Dating

The UK is the best country in the world for vegan dating for second year in a row. Netherlands places second, Germany third, Spain fourth
vegan dating

Veggly, the world’s leading dating app for vegans and vegetarians, today releases new data revealing the world’s best hotspot countries for vegan dating.

The United Kingdom takes the coveted number one spot for the second year in a row with the highest number of users in relation to population.

At present, the UK has well over 45,000 (45,633) users on Veggly, meaning there are nearly 700 (685) users per million people in the country. The Netherlands is close behind the UK with the second highest number of users in relation to population (601 users per million people).

Germany places third thanks to a strong user base of 46,375, which means there are nearly 560 Veggly users per million people in the country. Spain is fourth with a figure of 435 users per million.

Overall, the United States boasts the highest number of Veggly users, with 60,158, but has a much higher population than the UK (328million vs 67million), so scores lower on the ranking list. Brazil has the second most users overall with over 51,000.

In the past two years, Veggly has grown rapidly and reached over almost 400,000 global users (16x growth since July 2019).

From Brazil to Canada, to Australia, to Korea, to Denmark, and beyond. Available worldwide (used in 181 countries), Veggly is set to continue its rapid growth thanks to teams of vegans who have worked together to translate the app into 8 languages: English, Spanish, German, Portuguese, French, Italian, Danish, and Polish, with many more languages on the way.

Top 10 countries in the world for vegan dating (ranked by number of Veggly users in relation to population)

RankingCountryTotal number of usersPopulation (millions)Number of Veggly users per 1 million

Top 10 countries in the world for vegan dating (ranked by total number of Veggly users)

RankingCountryTotal number of users

Commenting on the new rankings data, Founder of Veggly, Alex Felipelli, said:

“The UK is an excellent hotspot for herbivores looking for romance and new relationships. The user base there has almost doubled in the last 10 months and it’s also great to see lots of new vegan dating communities growing, even in other countries around the world. There has never been a better time to be a vegan looking for love!

“We will build on this success and continue to re-invest in Veggly further. The ultimate goal is to provide the best dating app possible for vegan and vegetarian communities, making sure everyone feels welcome and finds love. We will do everything we can to help these hotspots grow all over the world and build new ones by making the Veggly app accessible to everyone.

Building on the recent growth, Veggly is also today announcing the launch of its ‘teleportation’ feature, enabling users to meet more daters, even when far away.

For example, a user in LA can now experience what the app is like in London by changing their location. Initial tests have shown this is a popular option for daters preparing for a trip to another country so they can meet people through the app before arriving.*

*Teleportation feature is available on the app for free until the end of June 2021

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Dutch-English Vegan Couple Meets on Veggly! #OurVegMatch

We get so happy when we help bring a new vegan couple together! 🌱 And this story is particularly great because it crosses borders! That’s right: Charity is from Netherlands and Joe is from the UK.

Veggly’s main mission is to help vegans and vegetarians find their soulmates and we firmly believe distance is less of a barrier when it means to find people with similar values and ethics!

Charity and Joe believed that and are now dating. 😊 Here’s the testimonial Charity shared with us:

Credits: Storytellers Fotografie – http://www.storytellersfotografie.nl/

“Our story started when both of us started to scroll through Veggly. Both of us realized that the vegan datingpool is very small and we definitely didn’t expect things to turn out this well. Finding someone who is vegan is great but it obviously takes much more to fall in love and to build a good relationship. From the moment we started talking we realized how many things we have in common and how many shared interests we have.

Joe is from UK and I, Charity, am from the Netherlands. It didn’t take long before we really wanted to meet in person and so Joe booked a flight to meet me in Amsterdam on my birthday. Needless to say it was the best birthday ever. We went climbing and shared meals at some of the many amazing vegan restaurants that Amsterdam has.

Shortly after, I flew to the UK to stay with Joe, we were both very sure that we wanted to be together. We went on a trip to the Lake District (England) and Isle of Skye (Scotland) by car. We camped every night in our tent, did lots of hikes, and took baths in the ice-cold lakes.

As Scotland is notorious for its rain we had to spend four days and nights in the car as all the campsites were flooded. Even though a car is a very confined space to be locked up in for so many hours we had a lot of fun as we continued cooking our porridge breakfasts and stir-fries in the car. I think on this trip we realized that our adventurous souls had found each other.

As I had to go back to the Netherlands to pass my driving test, Joe came with me. I showed him some of my favorite places in my region before we headed back to live together in the UK. We recently bought a van together. We are in the process of converting it to a camper so we can travel together through Europe.

Thank you Veggly for making it possible to find each other. Both of us have never been this happy in life and we are very sure we won’t ever need a dating app again 😉”

There you have it! Another vegan couple Veggly helped creating. This is the main reason why we created Veggly and knowing it is working makes us very happy and inspires us to keep working hard for the community!

Would you like to us your story? Please contact us at: [email protected]. We will be glad to hear from you 😊🌱

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