COP26 leaders should go vegan to help save the planet


New call for plant-based diets from the world’s largest vegan community 

As world leaders gather in Glasgow for the 2021 UN Climate Change Conference, many people are divided between feeling hopeful that effective change is coming in terms of combating climate change. Meanwhile, others look at COP26 with skepticism, after all, there have been other similar conferences which weren’t enough to prevent the nearly dystopian scenario of massive environmental destruction we’re in now. It’s understandable why so many people have difficulty trusting world leaders who have made empty promises about saving the environment in the past.

Possibly because things have reached such a critical state, there is also the expectation that COP26 will be the event that changes it all, but what could actually be done to reverse the consequences of human action on our planet? Well, to any experienced vegans, the answer might no be such a huge surprise.

Here’s how veganism can help:

A recent survey by Veggly has shown that a whopping 97% of vegan users see veganism as incredibly important to the environment. In addition, around two-thirds have cited environmental concern as a main reason for transitioning to a vegan lifestyle. The survey also shows that the size and total land occupation of livestock is equally concerning as fossil fuel emissions. This indicates how vegans understand the role animal agriculture plays in climate change and global warming, and how veganism can be fundamental in terms of sustainability.

World leaders at COP26 should pay attention to these findings. The world’s vegan population is growing, and the sentiment is very clear. More and more people are calling for a world that operates a plan-based food system. 

Livestock occupies the majority of fertile land (over 80%) while yielding a relatively small portion of the world’s protein and calorie output (less than 20%). A plant-based food economy would be more land-efficient and would allow for much more comprehensive reforestation and carbon capture, all the while heavily curbing livestock methane emissions.

Veggly’s confirmation of environmental enthusiasm among vegans indicates that COP26 attendees might benefit from partnering with plant-based movements towards a more vegan future. It’s time to listen to science, once again, and make the necessary commitments to make sure things will change drastically from now on

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